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Available as paperback or eBook.

A Best-Selling
Book by
Nettie Anderson

Nettie Anderson

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"Early retirement has enabled me to live a much quieter life with my other half in a remote part of the Yorkshire Wolds. 

My love of making up stories started as a child. My mum suggested writing them down and to carry a notebook with me to scribble any ideas down. At school my English teacher encouraged my fertile imagination, though he wrung his hands at me ever understanding grammar!


"When I'm not writing, I'm passionate about gardening, love reading, crafting and getting out into the countryside walking. With four grandchildren, I love being a 'hip cool'



Barley Ford has been inspired by the wonderful landscape and villages which make up my part of Yorkshire. 

Edward's Story is taking shape and I'm hoping to post an extract on the web page before too long."

Meet the author
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Ebook available

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Extract taken from Chapter 8

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Daisy began fiddling with the buttons on her cardigan. It was her comfort blanket. Well beyond its sell-by-date. She could feel the tightness in her throat.

 ‘Take your time Daisy, there is no rush. You mentioned dreams, memory flashes?’

 ‘Yes, images to do with my mum. She left when I was ten.’ 

Daisy twisted in her seat.

 ‘I can sense the tension in you. Take a deep breath and let it out slowly.’ Edward spoke softly.

Doing as he instructed, a couple of times, Daisy began to feel calmer.

 ‘Sounds to me you are fit to burst with all this stuff.’

Daisy sat bolt upright. ‘That’s exactly it. I never thought about it like that before.’

 ‘So, now you are thinking about that sensation, can you describe how you feel saying it?’ 

 ‘Relief, up until now, I’ve managed to contain everything.’ 

‘Sounds like it’s been hard work. It’s not easy opening up. I can sense you are uneasy.’

 ‘I guess I am. I’m confused and sad’ Daisy emphasised the word sad. 

 ‘It’s like a wave crashes through me and it’s trapped somewhere in here.’ She pointed to her heart. ‘Can hearts burst with pain and hurt? Can you stop the hurt?’ 

 ‘Perhaps between us we can find a way to settle the wave and work out why it crashes. As for hearts bursting Daisy, I do believe emotion can be so great that it does indeed feel like a heart could burst.’

 ‘I read somewhere once, that when you open a box, you can’t squish down the contents and hide them away again. Bit like Pandora’s box.’

 ‘That’s true. As I said before you dictate the pace. If it’s too much we stop.’

 ‘Thing is, although Daisy Tremaine is my real name, I’ve been Alex Dennison since I was nineteen. There are days it is like Daisy has got left behind. The irony being, I write fantasy fiction and I’m beginning to think I’ve lost touch with my own reality.’ Daisy sat back in the seat.  ‘Do you know I’ve never thought about that until now but last night I thought about the similarities between me and Alice in Wonderland.’

Daisy’s head drooped. She wasn’t sure what to make of it all and part of her worried about Greg or her dad finding out.

 ‘Take your time. This is your story. Opening up I often think is like opening a letter you’ve held on to fearing the worst.’

Something shifted invisibly within her and allowed the box lid to lift partially. Straightening herself she knew it was time to face the ghosts.


Yes, this is a delightful journey into the Yorkshire Wolds with relatable and intriguing characters. Barley Ford is a place that has captured my imagination and I long to visit again, so I can discover more of the secrets it holds. This is a series to follow.

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